Lake City, SC -
82 Entries
The Barrineau Beagle Club had 82 dogs at the Charles Lee large pack hunt looking to cash in and take home some earnings! Here are the top nine (9). CONGRATULTIONS to all of the days winners!
1st #58 Cookwoods Max
Rhett Beard
2nd #721 Willies Reba
Willie Welch
3rd #24 Larry
Archie Strickland
4th # 72 Lee's Peggy
Butch Lee
5th #102 Lee's Rose
Butch Lee
6th #74 Crossroad's Triton
Justin Floyd
7th # 610 Weaver’s Little Man
Shawn Matthews
8th #35 Daniel's Skeegy
Adam Daniels
9th #25 Daniel's Maggie
Adam Daniels